Beautiful Otari
It's ridiculously late in the year to talk about new years resolutions, but it's kind of relevant because this year one of my resolutions was to go for a decent walk every morning, and to my surprise I've mostly stuck to it. Another resolution was to explore the areas of nature close to my home, and the last month I've been visiting Otari-Wilton's bush a lot and fallen in love with the place. It's a beautiful patch of forest and is the only public botanic garden in New Zealand dedicated solely to native plants. Because of the variety of native plants and trees, the area attracts a lot of native birds, especially our beautiful wood pigeon, Kereru. Otari is extremely photogenic and most days I take photos on my cellphone but wanted to take some better photos on my proper camera. I love sharing how beautiful this place is, and even though I want it to myself, more people should know about this gem, it's not far from the city and it's so easy to feel like you're in the middle of the forest. It feels so good to breathe in the pure, fresh air of the forest, as it should be.