February so far

I'm not sure how it happened but February is half way over! I was going along well and sticking to my February project but then my routine got a little disrupted with my boyfriend breaking his hand last week (mountain biking accident). A day at the Hospital later and I have a stay at home buddy, which is fun, he's been watching Netflix while I've been working but it has put me out to stride a little.

I have still been making patterns and paintings birds though. I am always searching for a style that I really like and feel is 'me', it's harder than you'd think. I made a breakthrough today and found a technique and style that feels authentic and true to who I am and what I can achieve. I know I'm never going to be a realistic illustrator, and I don't want to be, I know my limits! I think that finding your own illustrative style is about knowing what your strengths (and weaknesses) are and finding the right medium that compliments your aesthetic. It's taken me a long time to find what suits me and I'll be sharing more on this later. Here is my February pattern progress so far.