Birds & Hands

It may seem a bit late in the year to talk about new years resolutions but I’ve been on a mission this year to get stuff done. I’ve undertaken a massive clean out of my studio (and also my home) and although it was a bit disheartening to throw away unsold things that I’ve made it was good to make room for new things. ‘In with the old, out with the new’ as they say. I now feel refreshed and ready to tackle lots of things on my to-do list.

Currently I have a few projects on the go, the main project being a series of prints. This new series of prints is going to be called ‘helping hand’ (working title) and I am almost ready to start making test prints and photographing them to list online. The central idea focuses on conservation, a subject that I’m really passionate about. I have chosen to select not only small birds but birds that have benefitted from human intervention in some way or another. In particular the Black Robin, a conservation story worth reading about if you don’t already know it.

Saddleback in hand by Melissa Boardman
Tomtit in hand by melissa boardman

At the same time I’m still working on patterns, and working towards my goal of having a varied portfolio that I am proud. I got approached by a company called Printed Village who make scarves and other accessories in collaboration with artist all over the world, they were interested in a pattern I created and they have turned it into tote bags, scarves, and more.

Stilt cosmetic bag Printed Village & Melissa Boardman

You can find them here:

I also love that this cosmetic bag is vegan! Thumbs up all round.

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