Prints and more prints

I've been spending all my spare time lately working on new things to add to my shop, most notably I'm releasing a whole series of prints featuring native NZ birds, as well as some other drawings and mono prints. As always I had fun photographing my new print series, and choose to frame them on a dotty wall. Here are a few of my favourites - available in my big cartel store, as well as on Etsy. fantail-in-frame 2-swallows-in-frame tomtit-on-hanger flying-birds-on-hanger lovebirds-on-hanger kiwi-in-frame


I decided to make my native bird prints limited edition, because the birds are so special I want the prints to be a bit more precious, also I'm selling a print with all the native birds that feature in my NZ birds calendar this year. The hanging frame is something I've been working on for months, and have finally devised a system that allows the owner to swap out prints with no damage at all to the print. An inexpensive and lightweight way to hang a frame.

So that's the excitement that's happening in my little world! I will be adding new prints as I create them, am hoping to have more of a varied range before Christmas. Speaking of which, the guaranteed Christmas delivery dates are fast approaching. If you were thinking about gifting someone (or even yourself) a calendar for Christmas now's the time to order!

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