Birdwatching again...


I just wanted to share a few photos I took birdwatching at Zealandia this weekend. The one above is a lovely little bird called a Whitehead, they're quite hard to photograph as they tend to search for food high up in the forest canopy, they move quickly through the trees hunting for food. I was lucky enough to be walking a track when a flock of these lovely birds was nearby, I simply stood and watched them flying above me and patience paid off as I got a clear view of this little guy.


The Saddlebacks are also quite hard to spot with the camera, they tend to forage in the darker areas of the forest. Their orange waddles and saddle on their back give them away though.


This little Robin thought my shoe was something fun to play with, it had a little peck at my shoelace before perching on the top of my foot. The Robins at Zealandia are always so friendly and if you stand still for long enough they get very close!




It was so nice to spend the day in the forest, surrounded by all our lovely native birds. It's especially nice to be able to get so close to them and even have them perch on me!