
I first had the idea to make stickers last year when I wanted something cute to pop into online orders as a little freebie. What started out as a fun idea turned into the realisation that I could make and sell them, so I started to think about making it happen. After lots and lots of research (seriously hours of emailing and asking for quotes) I found a local printer that can produce them, so I set about planning out which birds to arrange into packs.

I wanted to include our rare and lesser known birds so I decided on three themes, ‘rare birds’, ‘favourites’ and ‘forest birds’. Rare birds are just that, our more endangered birds including the Black Robin, Fairy Tern and Kākāpō. The ‘Favourites’ pack includes the reigning Bird of the Year, Yellow-eyed Penguin, as well as other popular birds like Fantail and Ruru/Morepork. ‘Forest Birds’ include birds found at Zealandia, like Kākā, Little Spotted Kiwi, Kererū and Tūī. The packs are available in packs of 10 or 5, with a couple of variations in the 5 packs.

These sticker packs have been really popular this year and I’m so thankful everyone loves them. They are only available through my website, so if you need some bird stickers in your life click here!